Weight Loss

What is Contour Light?
Contour Light is a light-emitting diode (LED) system that delivers red and infrared light. The system is comprised of large, flexible, soft pads that are very similar
to a heating-pad. These pads can be placed beneath or on top of the patient. The treatment does not cause any pain or discomfort.

What is mid-600nm Technology?
The label of mid-600nm refers to the wavelength of light emitted by the LEDs. In clinical studies, it was proven that mid-600nm light initiates a photobiostimulation of the fat cell, causing the cell to release its contents, resulting in a deflation or shrinkage of the cell.

What does a Contour Light treatment feel like?
The patient will lie on a treatment bed and the pads are placed over the area to be treated. The system will be turned on and the patient will feel a slight warming sensation, but no pain or discomfort. Most patients can read or use their phone/portable device, some will even take a short nap.

Weight Loss Program

What type of results can be expected?
The recommended Contour Light treatment protocol involves 10 treatments in a series, delivered every other day or every 3 days. Patients typically see a noticeable improvement within the first 2 or 3 treatments, many as early as the 1st treatment. The full series of 10 treatments should address most patient expectations, but some patients may want to continue with
additional treatments.

How long will the results last?
Results will vary from patient to patient, primarily due to the commitment by the patient to their goals. If a patient maintains a healthy lifestyle of a diet and exercise program that promotes weight control, their results can be long term.

Can anyone be treated?
A Contour Light treatment is safe and effective for anyone who does not have a medical condition that reduces their ability to eliminate waste via the liver and kidneys. Patients are recommended to consult their physician before starting any type of diet or exercise program.

Do patients need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen?
The protocol associated with the Contour Light system involves simple to follow directions, but does not require a strict diet or strenuous exercise. As with any type of weight modifying program, diet and exercise will have an effect on the results, specifically if a person does not make an attempt to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A small amount of exercise and a recommended level of water consumption will help with lymphatic stimulation to optimize results. The Contour Light protocol can help to motivate a person and jumpstart a person’s determination to improve their appearance, making it much easier to attain their goal of a sleeker and sexier profile.

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